VM1 / VM1A Vibrato Module , GV and "x" Series Amps, Fliptops Version


Fliptops is excited to offer our version of the VM1 / VM1A  vibratto / tremelo moudle

Frorr the following vintage Ampeg amplifiers:

  • "x" Series, B12XT, B15X, B18X, B12XY,  B22X, B42X and others
  • GV Series, G-15V Gemini V, GV22, GV15
For best results it is also recommended replacing the caps in and around  the Vibrato circuit using our rebuild kit offered below:
  • 1pc. 25/25 Electrolytic Capacitor
  • 5pc. .05 (.047/630v) Capacitor
  • 1pc. .001/630v 
  • 1pc. .005 (.0047/630v) Capacitors
  • 1pc. .1/630v Capacitor

Installation note:  Your original module may have 7 or 8 or  even 9 leads.

Please let us know the mounting type by using the drop down menu below

VM1: "x" Series amps will be hardwried

vM1A: The GV Series,  B42X and B22X amps will be PC board mount.

See the link below this listing for the mounting clip if needed.


Some of the original  VM1A  units and corresponding PC boards will show a "+" sign that is  associated with one of the bulb leads. It is also notated on the original Ampeg VM1A troubleshooting sheet. It has caused some confusion on installation.

While neon bulbs are not polarized, when used in DC circuits,  only one element out of the two lighting elements will light depending on which way you hook up the voltage to the bulb.  We believe that "+" indicates which side Ampeg wanted to have light and which lead to put where to accomplish this.  It is moot on the PC board VM1A as they can only be installed one way but if you have the hard wired VM1 as used on the B12XT, B18X, B15x and others, they do not specify on the unit or schematic which lead goes where.  If you want to make sure the bulb is hooked up the same way as the latter VM1A we have marked the "+" side of the bulb and it should connect to point "B" on these "X" amps and the cell closest to the "+" sign should be hooked up to the caps going to the V6A tube.  Again this is for the non PC board mounted VM1.  
On the later amps like the B42X and Gv amp with  PC board mounted units it's listed as point "C".

For the record, we do not notice any substantial difference in operation when flipping the bulb leads but we try and be as accurate to the originals as possible.


Starting Price for Module Only.


$ 69.00

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